Shiba inu - Japanese dogs shiba inu breeding - from Wielkopolska

Our customers' opinions

Ajte from Grodzki Zakątek

Thanks to "Grodzki zakątek" breeding we have a great dog with a beautiful japanese look. We are amazed how graceful she can move and her japanese look seduces everyone. We've met some shibas - the difference between them and our dog was tremendous. By looking at Aiko you can see the japanese background, by other shibas we didn't get this impression. As for behaviour - it's exactly the way we wanted it to be. She's so much attached to us, that I'm always filled with remorse over leaving her at home alone. That's why we take her with us to all the places we can :) She's been already for a very long time with us but still it's impossible for us to take our eyes off her. I'm very thankful to "Grodzki Zakątek" breeding - We didn't have a dog before but now I just can't imagine my weekday without my beloved Ajte.

Danuta Sikorska
24.03.2008 Środa Wielkopolska

Aiko from Grodzki Zakątek

Aiko is the first female shiba inu, that was born in our breeding. To make the long story short I'll only say, that Aiko is a walking curiosity. She's interested in everything and loves comfort. All my dogs prefer to lie on the floor but this particular one has to on the armchair. Aiko stays in our breeding, so you can see her live here and find out on your own how great she is.

Dariusz Sterczyńśki
29.04.2008 Środa Wielkopolska